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BGRABitmap pixel formats

BGRABitmap offers a single type for pixels (TBGRAPixel), the format of which is decided at compile-time. The format used depends on system details and various compile-time definitions, which lead to the definition of the BGRABITMAP_BGRAPIXEL or BGRABITMAP_RGBAPIXEL compile-time definitions.

If BGRABITMAP_BGRAPIXEL is defined or there is no format definition at all, then the format used is an array format which is always stored in memory as the bytes B, G, R, A (with B at the lowest address, A at the highest).

If BGRABITMAP_RGBAPIXEL is defined, then the format used is an array format which is always stored in memory as the bytes R, G, B, A (with R at the lowest address, A at the highest).